Close Market

A market close is instant, and you close the position at the best available spot price.

Here’s the guideline to close a position by market order

Step 1: Choose the quantity you want to close

  • Choose the percentage of quantity in your intention of closing (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%,100%).

  • The defaulted percentage is 100% which means closing the whole position. Otherwise, you can quickly choose other percentages of position quantity (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%), it just reduces the position.

  • If the quantity of market close plus the quantity of a limit close that you have had previously overwhelmed the quantity of the position, the system will cancel limit close order to execute the market close order.

  • If the quantity of market close order is below the minimum quantity required corresponding to each pair, this order can not be executed. Filling a larger quantity can solve this issue.

  • If the quantity of market close order is more than 100% of market dept which is informed in the order book, this order can not be executed. Filling a smaller quantity can solve this issue.

Step 2: Click Market button on the right side of the position.

Step 3: Confirm the action

  • The system creates an order of closing with the quantity selected. Check the details in this pop-up before clicking Confirm button

  • If this pop-up interrupts your flow, please click “Don't show this popup again” to remove it the next time.

  • Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action. Please confirm the transaction.

  • Then, the system will work for a second.

  • Now, your transaction is completed.

  • After matching orders on the order book, the system will update the position and transfer margin and PnL to your wallet.

Last updated