FAQs for issuers

1. What qualifications do I have to meet to issue a bond?

You can use POSI or NFT as collateral. The condition is that the total POSI or Total NFT Par Value as collateral must be greater or at least equal to a minimum of 10,000 POSI excluding a 1% RFI fee.

Furthermore, when issuing a bond, it is necessary to fill in all the required information fields, such as values to borrow, issue price, face value, bond duration, etc.

2. What crypto can I use as collateral?

Currently, only POSI and NFTs on Position Exchange are allowed as collateral. We are working to facilitate other types of cryptos in the near future.

3. How and when should I adjust my collateral?

You can add collateral (depending on which types of crypto you use as collateral) whenever you want starting from the beginning of the on-sale phase. However, when the LTV is close to 75%, you must adjust the collateral to ensure that it is not liquidated. In contrast, your bond will be liquidated and you will lose all collateral once the LTV reaches 80%.

You can add collateral by following these steps:

Step 1: Choose “Bond detail” and choose “Add Collateral”.

  • If you use POSI as collateral: Choose the POSI tab and enter the amount of POSI you want to add.

  • If you use NFTs as collateral: Choose the NFT tab and choose an NFT to add from the displayed droplist. Position Exchange doesn’t support Birthday NFTs, Staked NFTs, and undue NFTs.

The system will automatically calculate the new LTV and Liquidity price.

Step 2: Click “Confirm”.

Removing/ withdrawing collateral is required when the LTV is less than 65%.

You can remove collateral by following these steps:

Step 1: Choose “Bond detail” and choose “Remove Collateral”.

  • If you use POSI as collateral: Choose the POSI tab and enter the amount of POSI you want to remove.

  • If you use NFTs as collateral: Choose the NFT tab and choose an NFT to withdraw from the displayed droplist. The system will automatically calculate the new LTV and Liquidity price.

Step 2: Click “Confirm”.

4. How must I repay?

You can/must repay face assets within 7 days before maturity. If the repayment is not completed within 7 days before the maturity date, your bond will be liquidated, which means the collateral will be distributed to bondholders.

5. What will happen if my issuing bond process fails?

The collateral will be returned to you if your issuing bond process fails.

6. Can I cancel the issue of bonds? What will happen next?

Yes. You can cancel issuing your bond if your bond is newly created and on Pending status. Otherwise, canceling your bond is impossible once it enters the beginning of the On-sale phase. When the bond is successfully canceled, the collateral will be returned to you.

The collateral value doesn’t include the 1% RFI fee you must pay when issuing your bond.

FAQs for holders

1. What if a bond I’m holding is liquidated?

When a bond is liquidated, you can claim the underlying assets of bond issuers even before the maturity date.

2. What if I don’t repay on time?

In case you do not repay on time when bonds reach maturity, your collaterals will be used for payment to investors.

3. How to purchase P2P bonds?

Choose your preferred bond in the P2P Bonds section on Position Exchange. You can purchase this bond with face assets if it’s in the on-sale phase.

4. When is a bond liquidated?

A bond is liquidated when underlying assets/Face Assets TWAP reach the liquidation price or the bond issuer does not repay on schedule.

5. When can I claim my face value?

You can claim your face value as the bond is liquidated. At that point, you can claim your collateral according to the ratio of your holding amount to the total amount of bonds.

Last updated

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