What is POSI?

Token specs

Token Name

Position Exchange Token

Token Ticker


Token Type


Token Supply


Contract Address



What is POSI ? - A Token for the Community

POSI is Position Exchange’s native BEP20 token empowering its ecosystem. In addition to being a utility token and providing liquidity, holding and trading incentives, POSI token is designed to facilitate and incite the decentralized governance of the protocol.

Cases of use:

  • POSI token holders can generate passive income by staking their tokens in the staking pools and receive rewards in return - See Staking section.

  • POSI token can holders can farm LP tokens - See Farming Section

  • POSI token can be used to cast NFTs - See NFTs section.

  • POSI token holders can participate in the platform’s governance by proposing and voting for changes.

  • POSI token holders will be sharing a 1% fee from transactions while just holding the tokens.

  • POSI token holders can perceive Trading Protocol fee discounts

  • And much more to come.

Learn more about "What is Position Exchange?"

Position Exchange Introduction

Last updated